Thursday, October 6, 2011

Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it. ~ English Proverb


It was actually pretty boring the first few days, but i did notice one thing. Even though most of the people I saw (I never got to actually meet any of them, but there voices carried) treated the other girls like pieces of meat, we were well taken care of. Clean clothes, our own hygiene products including razors(hairy pits must be a turn off) and three meals a day. If it wasn't for the forced sexual encounters they would probably never want to leave.  We were all on a schedule. Wake up, eat, pace till more food came, annoy the hell out of the cowboy and the Brit when they babysat me, then chat with the girls till lights out. Most of the time I was by myself. Usually I like it like that, but when your being held captive it's the last thing you would want. I didn't even have someone to complain to till after lunch. I did, however, learn some valuable information.
Don't get a shower unless there are other people in the room.
It was my second day in captivity and I was bored out of my mind. So I decided to take a nice long shower, hopefully raising Mr. Big Shot's electric bill a few bucks. My guard at the moment was Devin, although I didn't know it at the time. The wouldn't talk to me. I must have been really out of it because I didn't lock the door when I got in. (Turns out, the door really did have a lock. It was one of those cheap "Twist and Push" gizmo's) Luckly I've been paranoid all my life and made a habit out of pulling the curtain back just enough so I could look out and make sure there was noone in the room with me. When I did, I saw Him standing there, leaning casually on the sink, holding my towel and smirking at me through the haze. My eyes narrowed and I shivered.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked in an irritated voice. He looked up and down, like he was scanning my body behind the curtain.
"No." I rolled my eyes and nodded towards the door.
"You can leave now," I said hopefully. He just grinned and walked forward. I tried not to move, to look bored and leave the impression that I wasn't scared of him, but my hand tightened on the curtain without my consent. All he did was hold out the towel for me. I reached out and grabbed it wearily, wondering what his game was. Will he pull the curtain, pull me out of the shower, come into the shower?
He didn't do anything. I wrapped the towel around me (it was large and fluffy and red), but kept myself hidden. He just kept stareing at me with a curious look on his face. I stood my ground as he came closer, moving only to swipe my hand through my hair and clear my face. Suddenly he started laughing. Turning on his heel he left saying, "You really are a piece of work."
 All in all, I preferred Mr.Cowboy to all the other guards. He didn't talk much, but it actually seemed like he was listening when I was ranting threw the door.  Carter, on the other hand, was pretty fun to screw with. I'd made a game. Every day I would time how long it took him to come charging in frothing at the mouth. Right across from the door was an old puppy clock that I was guessing was there to make the place feel "homey." It didn't.I watched it diligently while I pushed his buttons. I'm guessing he caught on since, even though he was still sending smart remarks my way, he never hit the door, or even threatened me. I'd have to make myself even more obnoxious.
"So about this new girl your kidnapping," I said casually while piking at a stick I'dfound under my bed, "When's she supposed to get here? I've been waiting but you haven't brought in any weeping tweens yet." Silence. "Where are you getting her from anyway? Taking her from a homeless shelter, an asylum? Oh! Maybe buying her like you did m-" The door jerked open slightly and hit me in the back of the head. I stumbled to my feet and scowled at the chuckles from the other side. "Whats so funny." I asked darkly.
"Your stupidity," he answered opening the door wider. "You've been summoned." Ug, that accent. was he for real? I could fake an accent better than that. And I told him so. He just snorted and shook his head.
"Thats a fire hazzard you know." I ignored the lears from the men loitering around in the room and walked beside carter with a bored expression on my face. Fat, lonley men in expensive suits. Discusting.
"What?" he asked, not really listening. He opened the door and led me up the steps.
"The doors open inward and they are locked. If there was a fire we would most likely burn to a crisp." He looked over at me, but wiped his face clear before I could interpret his expression.
"I'm pretty sure Boss doesn't care about that." We stopped at a door and he shifter from foot to foot, still holding on to my arm and looking at the wood absently.
"Whats his name again, I totally forgot." I knew that if his boss was inside he would have heard me which, of course, was the point. I wanted to irritate him as much ass possible, make him regret taking me. Carter ignored me and reashed for the door while I looked down at a horrible picture of some chubby chick and a poodle.  You'd think with all his money he would have bought something worth looking at. I was pulled inside and squinted in the dark, then blinked as her turned the lights on.
We were in a bedroom. And not just any bedroom, it had a kingsize bed with rich red seets pulled back just so, that made the cool gray and white conforter stick out. the bed was a natural looking polished black with lighter browns weaving through it. There was a large window covered completely with burgandysilk curtains (i think, i've never actually seen silk) and hand carved tables, a desk and a dresser, all made from the same kind of dark wood, lined the light sand colored walls. I fell in love with it right away.
"Awe, Carter, you shouldn't have. Really. Now what am I supposed to get you? And on my birthday, how sweet." He stood in stonefaced silence, not looking me in the eye. "What? Did I get it wrong?" He reached in his pocket and pulled me toward him sharply jabbing me with the needle he just grabbed.
"Ow. what the heck couldn't you at least" My eyelids drooped and I stumbled away from him. Stupid heart. It was pounding the entire time here and now it's helping him do who-knows-what by spreading the lala drug (my name for the my name for the seditive they kept sticking me with) throughout my body. He caught me as my legs went out from under me and carried me to the bed.
 "Sorry bud," he said as he let me go over the sheets. I dropped, bounced then muttered something about being to cool to be his budy and then passed out.
I woke up with my hands above my head and a weird tickle in my throat. I coughed and pulled my arms down, only to hiss (then choke) as I almost tore my hands off. I squinted upward and tried to figure out what had happened. "Handcuffs," I croaked, "They handcuffed me to the thousand dollar bed. How sweet of them." I looked down but couldn't see anything. Either my boobs had grown significantly or someone had covered me up. A whimper made my head snap to my left, the side with the giant window. Sitting on the floor with her arms curled around her knees was a small girl. She was thin and terrified and I could see tear streaks on her face. She was also sleeping. They probably drugged her, too.
"Hey. You. Hey wake up. You-who. Heeeeeeeeeeeeey. Get up. Come on please?" She didn't move. I shimmied my way out from under the blankets, awkwardly because I still couldn't feel my legs very well, and curled up so my feet were pointing right at her. I then proceeded to kick one of the fluffy red pillows at her face.
"Wakey wakey, eggs and bakey!" I said loudly. She squealed and jumped back into the wall looking disoriented and scared. I felt kinda bad,but I was chained up and she was the only person I could think of to help me. Apparently there was no guard or else they would have come in while I was yelling, even if it was just to grope me while they had a chance. She looked at me wide eyed and nervous. I couldn't really blame her. I still had a healing bruise on my face and that cut from Mr. Irish Dude, so I probably looked pretty scary to a kidnap victim. Not to mention I was handcuffed and she had absolutely no idea why or how I got there.
"Does that phone work?" I aked her nodding to the end table beside her. She hesitantly picked it up and held it to her ear for a moment before shaking her head no. "Great. What about the door, is it -"
"So I here that they have been saving you for me," said a familiar Irish voice. A chill ran down my spine. "Not only that, but they have found me another one. I'm told she's softer, more delicate." My teeth clenched as he smiled down at her shaking body.
He wouldn't. "Come here darling," he crooned at her." She sat frozen on the floor.
He would. "So, how are your privates, healing up nicely I take it?" I asked, managing to sound snarky even in this predicament. He grinned and walked over to pat my crossed legs making my skin crawl.
"You will see here in a few moments," he murmured turning away from me. He reached down and picked the girl up by the arm and moved her to the middle on the floor. She shook and kept her eyes shut, knowing what was coming next. I started to panic. He couldn't, not to her, not when she was this young. Christ she couldn't be more than fourteen years old. I yanked at the hand cuffs, my hands shaking. The metal cut into my skin but I kept going, pulling and shaking , trying to get loose.
 I had to help her. Had to get loose, even if I had to get rid of my hand first. I heard it. Heard her being raped. Heard him enjoying it. Heard her cry. Heard him laugh when he was finished. I wanted to puke. I wanted to die. You will never understand how guilty I feel, even to this day. I COULD NOT DO A THING. I used to pride myself on being strong enough, smart enough to get out of any situation. But this one time, I was useless, powerless, weak.
"Shh, shh. You will be alright," I heard him say in a gentle voice, like he was talking to a toddler that just skinned their knee. The zipper of her jeans went up and she didn't move, didn't make a sound. Jesus Christ, she wasn't even whimpering anymore. By now my wrists were on fire and my hands were numb. I felt his weight tilt the bed and I kicked out, furious and disgusted and horrified, trying to do anything to hurt him, make him suffer for what he did. My legs were pinned down and I felt his breath on my face. Opening my eyes I looked into his. I wasn't scared anymore, I felt nothing but mind numbing, soul corrupting hatred. I spit in his eye. His face twisted and he hit me.
 "I won't be so gentle with you." I struggled like you would not believe, earning more slaps that morphed into punches. I think I even bit him, all the while I knew that I couldn't keep him off for long. Eventually he got my jeans off and had pinned my head to the side while I dripped blood on the pillow.
I choose not to remember what happened next.
After he had left, I curled myself up as close to the headboard as possible. Everything hurt. My head, my hands, my ribs, my...stomach. I tried to breath as easily as possible. I didn't like that I was shaking, that my breath hitched if I forgot not to forget what had happened.
I didn't like that I hadn't heard anything from her.
He had been kind enough to out my jeans back on, tho I had kicked him before he could get them buttoned. Which he hit me for. I don't know how long I'd been laying there, thinking about nothing, before the door opened up. I didn't bother opening my eyes, I just curled in tighter and listened. two sets of boots came across the floor. My hands were released and I pulled them in quickly, folding them over my stomach.  I heard a weak cry of surprise when they picked up the girl and relaxed. I had been imagining the worst. I was picked up and I tensed again, but whoever it was was extremely easy with me. I curled into their chest to block out the lights as much as possible.
"Shit, he sure did a number on her." The person carrying me gave no answer. I'm pretty sure that Devin was carrying the girl. "Doubt he even considered using a condom. Good thing the boss insist on shots." I almost choked. I had never thought about what happened afterword. I was kinda glad someone did, even if it was for selfish reasons. Devin prattled on and I could feel the arms around me tightening in annoyance. We walked down stairs, my feet brushing the wall occasionally, and they took us into a dark room.  The girl was put down first, then my guy laid me down beside her on my bed. I peaked under my eyelashes, but couldn't make him out in the dark of the room. He covered us up, then brushed my hair off my face. The door clicked and I rolled over, hearing muffled cries next to me.
And it only got worse from there.

Friendship, like phosphorus, shines brightest when all around is dark.

"There is absolutely no reason for men to wear rings." I grumbled while Trey dabbed alcohol on the gash on my chin. Well, I suppose gash was a bit melodramatic. The Irishmans ring had only clipped me after all.
"Quit talking," Trey said reaching behind me to get something out of the cabinet. I was sitting on the sink in our little bathroom. (Not our, as in me and Trey, our as in me and all the other girls. Yes, I have resignd myself to the fact that I am now one of them.) He pulled the gauze away and put the neosporin on his finger.
"You washed your hands didn't you?" I asked eyeing him skepticly. He simpy shook his head (a Trey version of rolling his eyes) and grabbed ahold of my chin. "So you didn't wash your hands?" I asked in a horrified voice. "Now it's going to get infected and my jaw will fall off and I wiomph-" He moved his hand to cover my mouth.
"I said stop talking." He gave me a pointed look then looked down on the counter for the bandages. I pulled my head away and held the box up to him. "You sure are in a good mood for someone who just got beaten," he said in his gentlemanly way while eyeing me cautiously. He probably thought I was mental or something.
Well at least he's being civil about it. "I'm not in a good mood, I'm pissed." I told him as he got the large band-aid ready. He gave another head shake.
"Be still." He said. I had to bite my lip so i didn't say something sarcastic. Be still? Realy? What century are you from? He put the bandaid on and started to clean up the mess.
"Does this sort of thing happen often?" I asked sliding off the counter. It hurt a bit seeing as I had a gigantic bruise on my butt from falling off the bed.
About half an hour earlier, when Cabethe Irishman had grabbed aholdof me I had curled around his arm, lifting my legs up off the floor. He swung me around and I did my best to hurt him. He must've gotten tired of my flailing because he tossed me on the bed. By some miracle I landed on the edge and slid off, my feet getting suck in the process. He laughed and I didn't blame him. I would have laughed too.
"You defintely are an entertaining one. But you will want to stop struggling before too long." He started around the bed and I struggled to my feet. Damn Irishman, damn kidnappers, damn mother, damn PEOPLE. I thought as I backed away. I didn't want to get pinned up against the wall so I jumped up on the bed. He grabbed my arm and twisted it sharply. My knees almost went out from the pain.
"What. Happened. To. The talking." I gasped trying to pull away. He laughed and I kicked out at him angrily. My foot connected with his stomach and I hissed in pain. His smile faded and he narrowed his eyes.
"You are too stubborn." He said in a low voice. "It is obvious that you were not broken in properly." He jerked my arm down and I dropped to my knees. "I must have a talk with him afterwords." He murmured to himself letting go of my arm. I clutched it to my chest. Ow-ha-hoooooow. I groaned inwardly while glaring at the man.
Suddenly he lunged at me. I shoved myself back but got tangled in the bed sheets, giving him enough time to get on top of me. My mouth opened and out poured the cuss words. He clamped his hand over my mouth to shut me up. "You should have been born in my country with fiery red hair to go with that temper, little one." I bit him in response. He ripped his hand away and backhanded me. I'd managed to wiggle my leg in the right position and kicked him hard in between the legs. His eyes went wide and he squeaked.
Finally. I scrambled out form underneath him. "I have been trying to do that since this whole trip started." I told his satisfied. His head lifted and I blanched. I turned and sprinted to the bathroom door, locking it in time to feel a Thud from the other side.
"Open that door girl!" He bellowed from the other side. I had to resist the urge to say make me like I was ten. He started pounding and I heard voices as more people rushed in. They did there best to console him and sent Trey in to patch me up once he left.

"No." Trey said, breaking me out of my mini-flashback. "Usually the girls don't fight back." Was I mistaken or did I hear bit of pride in his voice? "The smart ones anyway." Yep, definately mistaken.
"When do I get food?" I complained peaking out the door. None of the other girls had come back.
"When I say so." I could tell that i was ruffling his feathers.
"Well then say so." I told him crossing my arms and looking defiant. He ignored me and started to walk out. I sighed and followed him. "Please? With undead gummybears and vampire bats on top?" I pleaded using the same tactic I used on Charlie.
It didn't work.
"Fine." I said to the door when he shut it in my face. "Let me starve. Lets see how attractive i am when I'm all skin and bones!" I waited for a response that didn't come, so I figured he had left. The lock clicked and I heard a chuckle. "Yeah, hilarious." I muttered heading for the bed. I looked at the messed up sheets and shivered. Suddenly the Irish husband I had always wanted didn't appeal to me anymore. I made the bed and paced back and forth, ignoring the hungry twist of my stomach and the choking sensation in my throat. I wasn't going to cry. My mother had sold me to human traffickers, but I wouldn't cry. Crying was pointless in this situation. It never helped. I swallowed and looked up, taking deep breaths and relaxing.
"Yep, no need to cry." I said confidently to myself. The door opened suddenly and I jumped.
"Are you hungry?" said Carla, the blond from before. "I have food." She held up a plastic bag and looked me over whistling. "They must've gotten you good. She said walking in. The door was shut by Thomas who didn't even spare me a glance. Wonderful.
"Yes. Food sounds great. What is it?" I said leaning against the wall. She walked closer and sat down on one of the bunks, her bunk I think.
"Chicken sandwiches from McDonald's." She said handing the bag to me. I guess he did hear me. I thought sitting down beside her. There were three sandwiches in total.
"No thanks." Carla told me when I offered her one. She looked me over and frowned. "Why are you so happy?" She finally said bewildered. "He was here and yet your still as cocky as all get out." I looked at her and swallowed.
"I kicked an Irish dude in the balls, whats not to be cocky about?" Her jaw dropped and she gaped at me.
" what!" She said jumping to her feet. "No ones did you......what were........" She paced back and forth in front of me, stuttering and looking at me with astonished eyes. She finally just stopped and started laughing. Not a chuckle or two, but uproaruos, hands on knees, teary-eyed laughter. Now I looked at her bewildered.
"What's so funny?" I asked cracking a smile. From what I've seen so far, I think it's the first time she -any of the girls really- had laughed like this in a long time.
"You kicked Cabe Donivan in the privates. Donivan, the Irish millionaire was brought down by a high school girl off the streets." She sat down and sighed, wiping her eyes. "When this gets out, you'll be a celebrity."
"Oh." I said opening the third sandwich. "Glad I can brighten your day." I whipped a bit of ranch of my cheek and licked my finger. "So.....I take it he comes here a lot?" I watched her face settle back into it's, slightly happier, resigned face. "Every time a new girl comes in. he likes to have 'first dibs' on girls. Says he enjoys the struggle." She chuckled and glanced at me. "He rarely comes any other time.I suppose he has plenty of willing women waiting for him at home." She played with the hem of her shirt.
"I bet." I muttered. "So did you just come in to bring me...uh, lunch?" I guessed. I had no idea what day it was, let alone what time. She looked at me sadly and tried to smile.
"No." I waited a moment for her to compose herself. "They found a new girl sooner than exspected. She'll be here in a few days." She looked down, peaking up at me to see my reaction. My face was blank as I wondered why she was telling me this. Since I couldn't think of a good reason I asked her.
"We go on a sort of......buddy system here." She told me. "You get paired up with a girl who arrives about the same time as you do and you share a bed, sometimes clothes, on occasion." She wasn't looking at me. "My partner is Adrene, the girl I share my bed with."
"How long have you two been here." I asked, my voice bleak.
She swallowed. "Two years we think. Nicole and Sarah have been here the longest. Six years." They must've been the two girls that wouldn't look at me when i first came.
"Do you know her name?" I asked. I didn't realy want to be parred up with anyone in this hell hole.
"No, but you shouldn't worry. The people they pair us up with.......she'll become your best friend even if you don't hit it off right away." She smiled reassuringly.Oh yay. I thought. the door opened up again and Thomas looked in.
"Carla, Adrene is waiting." He looked at us without actually seeing us. Carla patted my knee and stood up and Thomas closed the door after her. I waited for the tell tale click and heard it then sighed and sat there, wishing that this was all just an elaborate dream. Then I heard a wisper and smiled feeling proud of myself.
"Good job indeed." I muttered back